Teti TetiTeti was the first original publication in the Nyakyusa language. It came in two editions and 25 000 (yes twenty five thousand!) copies were printed (some time after 1894 and before 1914). The occational copy can still be found around in villages in Kyela district. And there are still people around who remember learning with the book. The second edition/printing (56 pages, 14 thousand copies printed) was printed in 1914, but it is unclear whether it ever made it to ubuNyakyusa. My copy was obtained from Archiv der Brüder-Unität, Zittauer Straße 24, Herrnhut/Oberlausitz. This is a very interesting and useful book(let) due to the fact that it is neither a religious book, nor a translation. It is a monolingual book for alphabetization purposes. (Of course we know what the dear teachers wanted the students to read, but still ...) The spelling in Teti is in some aspects different from the spelling in the dictionary.